Workplace Safety Policy

The Workplace Safety Policy is designed to help you create a formal safety policy for your company. It contains the essential elements of a safety policy and is broadly written to cover a variety of workplace environments that pose differing levels of hazards. It can be edited and customized to meet the needs of your business.

A written safety policy provides the foundation for every successful safety program and could help you avoid the expense, inconvenience, and other consequences of workplace accidents by making sure that employees know what is expected of them. Although you can orally inform employees of safety standards and procedures, for lasting impact there is no substitute for a written policy to which an employee may refer. And if each employee acknowledges that he or she has read the policy, it can help protect you when there is a workplace accident.

The file contains a four-page document in rich text format (RTF) that is suitable for use with most word processing programs used in the Windows environment. 

Special Features:

The sample safety policy includes the following elements:

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