Setting Limits on Gambling Activities in the Workplace

Gambling in the workplace can interfere with employee productivity, and a policy setting limits on gambling activities may be warranted.

Workplace rules should include restrictions on gambling. While it's unlikely that your employees will be playing poker and craps at work, it's more likely that they will be participating in sports pools and purchasing lottery tickets as a group.

As the employer, you should decide what forms of gambling you're going to allow in your workplace and whether you can include your policy in your general work rules or if you need to put a formal policy specifically addressing this issue into place.

Here's a list of things to consider in developing your policy against gambling:

The following are sample gambling policy statements you can use when creating a policy for your business:


No gambling is allowed on the premises. This includes football and baseball pools, as well as all other forms of gambling.

Note that this next example not only doesn't allow gambling on company property, but prohibits it more broadly.


XYZ Corporation's policy is to prohibit absolutely any gambling on the part of its employees. Gambling losses constitute a threat to the company's security, and the practice will not be tolerated.

Your business needs will dictate whether you should have a broad or more specific policy in place.

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