Obtaining Vehicles For Your Business

If the use of a vehicle is necessary in your business, the first step is obtaining one. You may be able to use a vehicle you already own or purchase or lease a vehicle specifically for business use.

The first step in using a vehicle in your business is obtaining one. You have a few different options, each with advantages and disadvantages. This decision should include the following considerations:

Buying Used Vehicles

If you don't want to use a vehicle you already own for your business, there are numerous advantages to purchasing a used vehicle instead of a new one. The main advantage is this: as soon as you drive a new vehicle off of a dealer's lot, it immediately becomes worth much less than the price you paid for it. In fact, it is not unusual for a vehicle with just 10,000 miles on it to be worth several thousand dollars less than a new car of the same model.

Tips for buying used vehicles. Here are some tips for purchasing used vehicles:

Tools to Use

If you are concerned about whether a used vehicle that you purchase will be reliable, you should consider downloading a copy of the checklist for evaluating used vehicles from the Business Tools.

Many items on this checklist are self-explanatory and you can use the list as a reference when you are shopping for your vehicle.

For those items on the list that you don't understand, you may wish to consult the opinion of a mechanic whom you trust.

Leasing Vehicles

If you aren't sure whether buying or leasing a vehicle is the right decision for you, you should be aware that the considerations are generally the same as those for any business equipment lease or buy decision.

Tax considerations. If you decide to lease a vehicle for your business, you can generally deduct the lease payments. However, when business use of a leased vehicle is less than 100 percent, the tax deduction is scaled down in proportion to the personal use. For example, if you use a leased car 75 percent for business, you can deduct only 75 percent of the lease payments. You can also deduct vehicle operating expenses you pay for if they are for business use of the leased vehicle.

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