These assets are exempted from a state court or bankruptcy proceeding in New Mexico.
Homestead: Real property up to $60,000. If jointly owned, can double exemption.
Pensions and Retirement Benefits: Funds exempt for public school employees. Roth IRAs and regular IRAs up to $1,245,000 per person.
Insurance: Fraternal society and benevolent association benefits to $5,000. Life, accident, health or annuity benefits or proceeds, if beneficiary is a New Mexico citizen.
Personal Property: Books. Health equipment and furniture. Building supplies. Jewelry up to $2,500. Oil and gas equipment. One motor vehicle up to $4,000. Clothing. Cooperative association shares.
Tools of Trade: Tools and implements up to $1,500.
Miscellaneous: Business partnership property. Ownership interest in unincorporated association.
Wages: Exempt as to greater of 75% of wages or 40 times federal minimum wage.
Public Benefits: Workers' compensation. Unemployment compensation. AFDC. General assistance. Crime victim's compensation. Occupational disease disablement benefits.
Wild Card: $500 of any personal property, or $5,000 of any property if homestead not claimed.