Military Leave Laws for Employees

Employers are required to provide military leave to employees. Federal and state laws set the rules for pay, notice and reinstatement for time-off for military service.

Employers are required to provide time-off to employees who are serving in the military. Employers of all sizes are included in this mandate, and the rules governing your employees' rights are set forth in both federal and state law.

Federal Military Leave Laws

The following are some basic questions and answers about federal military leave laws and your obligations as an employer if you have employees engaged in military service:


Recognizing the impact that losing a key employee may have on a small business, the Small Business Administration (SBA) offers the Military Reservist Economic Injury Disaster Loan (MREIDL) Program. Under this program, the SBA provides low interest loans to small businesses when they are unable to meet their ordinary and necessary operating expenses and financial obligations because an essential employee is called to active military duty from the reserves. However, a MREIDL cannot be used to cover lost income or profits, to replace regular commercial debt, to refinance long-term debt, or to expand the business.

To obtain a MREIDL application, please contact the SBA Disaster Area Office that serves your state or territory. For more information on the MREIDL program, visit the SBA's website.

The Uniform Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). The Uniform Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), provides for military leave and reemployment rights for veterans and reservists and bars discrimination and retaliation based on an employee's military service.

The Veterans Benefit Improvement Act of 2004. The Veterans Benefit Improvement Act of 2004, requires employers to provide a notice informing their employees of their rights, benefits and obligations under the Uniform Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). The notice requirement can be met by posting a notice where employers customarily provide notices for employees.

The Veterans Benefit Improvement Act of 2004 also requires employers to extend to employees in military service the option of maintaining employer-sponsored health insurance coverage for a two year period.


Need more help? The National Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) is an agency within the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs that provides a wealth of related information on their website.

Military Family Leave

Under amendments to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), employers with 50 or more employees must allow up to 26 weeks of leave for eligible family members of certain military personnel to care for service members. In addition, under qualifying exigencies, employers must allow 12 weeks of leave for the spouse, son, daughter, or parent of an eligible service member.

Establishing a Military Leave Policy

You may choose to have a policy that makes clear what employees need to do to request military leave.

Tools to Use

A sample military leave policy is available in the Business Tools.

State Military Leave Laws

Many states have their own laws regarding military leave. Employers in states that do not have laws regarding military leave for private employers are still subject to federal laws.

Consult our state map for your state's requirements regarding military leave and military family leave.

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