English-Only Workplace Rules Must Be a Business Necessity

Instituting an English-only policy in your workplace is advisable only if such a policy is clearly a business necessity.

Employers who consider requiring employees to speak only English in the workplace should proceed carefully. Without a clear, legitimate business-related reason for having an English-only rule in your workplace, your rule could be deemed a discriminatory practice.

If you are an employer subject to federal anti-discrimination laws, it's important to realize that English-only rules are presumed to be discriminatory by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The reasoning behind this presumption is that requiring employees to speak only English at all times in the workplace may disadvantage workers on the basis of national origin and can create an atmosphere of inferiority, isolation, and intimidation.

However, an English-only rule will be upheld only if the use of English is required by business necessity. This area of the law is unsettled, as some courts have rejected the EEOC's position. To protect yourself, make sure that you have a business necessity for requiring English.


Do not assume that this is an issue that you can ignore if you do not have English-only rules in place. Not having an English-only policy in place can cause trouble as well. For example, in one case an English-speaking worker sued her employer for providing a discriminatory work environment because her coworkers were isolating her by consistently speaking a foreign language she didn't understand.

Chances are, if you have only a few employees, problems necessitating English-only rules will not arise. But if you find yourself considering such a policy because employees are speaking another language at work, ask yourself these questions to see if having the rules would be justified.


Benjamin owns a deli, and in his deli he has employees working in positions where they do not interact with customers but where they can be observed by customers who come into the deli. Benjamin can't require his employees to speak only English because he is concerned that customers would not like it that his employees were speaking another language in front of them.

The following example does illustrate legitimate business need.


In the same situation, if Benjamin has employees who must interact with customers who speak English only, requiring the employees to speak English when interacting with the customer would be a business necessity.

There are alternatives to having an English-only policy. If you have a problem between specific employees that is causing disruption, you can try restricting the use of the second language during work-related conversations among those specific employees:

By choosing to implement this kind of strategy, you can have the best of both worlds. Employees can communicate with each other effectively in English to get work done, but employees who speak foreign languages can converse with each other at work about nonwork topics, which can help improve morale.

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