Employee morale problems can be the result of any number of workplace problems. If employees don't like a particular supervisor, or feel that their work isn't appreciated, results will suffer. Getting to the root of the problem is sometimes a challenge.
In many instances, the only way to get at it is to ask your employees to tell you. This can be a difficult situation for you and for them. On the one hand, you can gain valuable information about how to increase your employees' job satisfaction. On the other, you might have to face the fact that something that you do is a source of problems. An employee is faced with similar concerns. Should they offer honest criticism and risk retaliation, or keep silent?
The Employee Job Satisfaction Feedback Script contains a sample script that is designed to help you obtain useful feedback from your employees. It suggests what to say to assure employees that their input is valued, and a variety of issues that might be of concern. It also offers options to use when a meeting doesn't go quite as planned.
The file is in rich text format (RTF) that is suitable for use with most word processing programs used in the Windows environment.