Employee Absence Policies

While any business operates best when all employees are present, employee absence and tardiness create more of a problem in some businesses than in others. With this in mind, we've designed two different sample absence policies, contained in the Employee Absence Policies.

The first is very strict and is designed for businesses where both the presence and the promptness of employees are crucial, such as businesses with assembly-line production work. The second policy is less strict and is designed for businesses where performance is not dependent on adhering to a strict schedule, such as businesses that employ outside sales representatives.

You can use either policy, combine them, and/or edit them to create your own customized absence policy. Also included in the file is a simple form that can be used to track employee absences.

The file contains a four-page document. The first three pages (containing the sample policies) are in rich text format (RTF) that is suitable for use with most word processing programs used in the Windows environment.

Special Features:

The stricter absence policy contains provisions on:

The more flexible absence policy focuses less on tardiness and contains provisions on:

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