Alaska Asset Protection Laws
These assets are exempted from a state court or bankruptcy proceeding in Alaska. Alaskan debtors can opt to use either the federal exemptionsor state exemptions, but cannot mix them.
- Homestead. Principal residence up to $72,900, whether single or multiple owners. Alaska recognized tenancies by the entirety, with the right of survivorship.
- Personal Property:
- Books, musical instruments, clothing, family portraits, household goods and heirlooms up to $4,050.
- Building materials
- Burial plot.
- Health aids needed.
- Jewelry up to $1,350.
- Motor vehicle up to $4,050; however, the vehicle's market value can't exceed $27,000.
- Personal injury recoveries, to extent wages exempt.
- Pets up to $1,350.
- Proceeds for lost, damaged or destroyed exempt property.
- Wages. $473 of weekly net earnings or $743 per week for debtor who is sole support for household. $1,890/mo. in "liquid assets" for debtors not paid weekly/semiweekly or monthly or $2,970/mo. for debtor who is sole support of household. Court can increase exemption for disability or personal injury payments.
- Pensions and Retirement Benefits.
- ERISA-qualified retirement plans are exempt by operation of federal law;
- Funds building up are exempt for all teachers', judicial employees' and public employees' retirement plans;
- Other retirement benefits exempt to extent wages are exempt (only payments being received); and
- Roth IRAs and regular IRAs up to $1,250,000 per person. IRA exemptions for conventional, Roth, SEP and SIMPLE plans, subject to 120 day rule, above.
- Insurance:
- Insurance proceeds for wrongful death, to extent wages are exempt.
- Life insurance annuity or contract loan value to $13,500.
- Life insurance proceeds if beneficiary is insured's spouse or dependent, to extent wages exempt.
- Disability benefits.
- Fraternal society benefits.
- Insurance proceeds for personal injury, to extent wages exempt (bankruptcy judge may authorize a greater amount).
- Medical, surgical or hospital benefits.
- Tools of Trade. Implements, tools and professional books up to $3,780.
- Public Benefits.
- Unemployment compensation.
- Workers' Compensation.
- Adult assistance to the elderly, blind, disabled.
- Alaska longevity bonus.
- Crime victim's compensation.
- Federally exempt public benefits paid or due.
- General relief assistance.
- 45% of permanent fund dividends.
- Tuition credits under an advance college tuition payment contract
- Miscellaneous.
- Business partnership property.
- Alimony, to the extent wages are exempt.
- Child support payments made by a collection agency.
- Permits for limited entry into Alaska Fisheries.
- Certain liquor licenses and limited entry permits
- Wild Card. None.
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